Writings โœ๏ธ

Since I've found Obsidian and started intense note taking on daily basis. I around this time writing this, I hit 1M characters after year+ disperesed through thousand small files, contains close to 150k words. It's just great habit to have.

I was trying my habit to be better every day, thus since then I slowly getting through phase I would like to start writing in public on frequent basis.

Yes, one might ask, what important or something impressive I could share. Yes, that's the question going through head. I guess it's about practice, first pieces would be not so quality I would like to have, but through every writing I sense I could can get better.

Hence I've raised first money into company to speedup development on KodaDotopen in new window, on sidelines I'm building subwork and investing, 1 to learn more about angel & venture industry, I bet I'm pretty average on terms on insight, yet sense far from my peak performance what can I achieve from today in three years.

Potential writing topics

Circle of topics I sense I could drop some my view would be around


Hence I in past months I spent thousand per month to see which supplements or medications has positive or negative impact on my life and lifespan I bet I would lean to nail down all known ones with some past experiences. In the end have Obsidian vault with over 100k chars with observation, notes and takes


To be honest, I'm far from being ML/AI expert, I have fair great overview in terms of wheer we are heading to. Been close observing fast development in AiArt tooling, among StableDiffusion, MidJourney and Dalle. After watching Tesla AI day I have fair concern, that AGI might be closer than we think. Even sense that whole AI development exploded on bigger magnitutde than crypto, I can tell from far, it would have lot of positive implication on abudance and paretotopian life

Sci-fi book

Always been thinking write book based on my memory alternations, various twisted recalls, combining it with popular writings on what future could be in 20,30,50,70 years from now? It offers lot of room to explore and wander my mind and it could be integritive form of sharing this.


This is continum from previous supplements and extending lifespan. I do believe, we will hit escape velocity in upcoming ten years as I from investor perspective I'm observing various cell therapies which can prolong your lifespan. Right now it's not significant, but I believe it will become much longer. Currently if you are following healthy diet, keep your stress levels on minimum, excercise in right way without wearing your joints, I bet you can fairly extend life about 20-30 years in much more peaceful way, than having high inflammation in your later stage of age. Everything matters how you adjust your life choices and how you plan to enjoy your life till you are super healthy will result how hard times you will have when things will be not in check


This is currently terrible topic for me as I'm pretty doign spray and pray, based on gut feeling, likeness idea, sort of how crazy and wild idea is. For example I'm pretty impressed anything about Space Race, that means anything from small modules, till launching services, satelites till space vehicles using ion thrusters. Same way I'm impressed by ongoing society crash course and if we destroy ourselves through financial market traps, someone would smash thermonuclear button, we will run out of resources or run into food security. This all others are offering superior investment opportunities and how to cater for example automatization through agrobots, new ways to keep society running, fighting society decline etc. Betting on escapism? No wonder people can't stand where and how they live. They would like to try new (digital) experiences. Let's see what we can do about this.

Getting Older

This doesn't imply one can get wiser with time nor age, but it's tinkering with implication of experience and gained expertise. Naturally, older people want to share wisdom with younger folks. Yet sometimes it's though to do this. Same as cypherpunk manifest has lot of pearles even after 30 years after writing I bet someone in 2040 find my writing as eye opening. It won't be much people, defiintely some small niche where we will be on same page, yet we probably won't ever meet. I guess this could carry some interesting information or insights one doesn't need to seek.. but who knows in the 2040 there are higher chances it would be used as feed to some neural machine rather than human surfing Internet. Twenty years from now it's quite long time. If you look back on 1969, Internet was meant as place for virtual store departmetns. Since 2010 we call it e-commerce, no wonder it makes so big boom. 2020 we came up popularizing NFTs as something which can open doors to interoperable economy through lot of closed silos. Hard to predict if something I would share here would be grabed as something meaningful, but it's always grea to try out.

Getting us on another planet

Especially when I was used to travel by trains a lot, I've studied various intersterllar propulsion systems, their state of art, working prototypes, drafts, concepts. Definitely EMDrive or similiar one concept is around corner to disrupt space transportation. I'm not sure if I'll made it to Mars, but till then looking on ways to speed up transportation to get us out of here till something or we ourselves kill resources on planet to pursuite next avenues in other galaxies

I'm dumb

This is probably most humble and honest topic to say, that more I'm learning, more dumb I feel. Been young, one tends to be smartass, signaling knowing everything, but that moment you are shorting yourself from getting some unique knowledge and learn something new. So that's why I've stepped up game on self-growth and self-development, read over 60 book summaries, few more full books on this, to find out lot of thse books are self repeating, but turns out lot of these books are saying close to same, yet in different phrasing or words how to improve one and being much better, achieve things, get what you want and feel much better.

Seems this is briefly few topics I might be adding some short writings in the future, till I resume myself working on another billion idea lmao.

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Contributors: Matej yangwao